附加股 (Right Issue) 购买流程
OR會先在市場自由買賣 -> OR市場買賣結束 -> 收到附加股認購表格 -> 填妥表格, 去銀行買bank draft -> 表格跟bank draft一起寄出去/直接交給share registrar。
Renounceable right issue, 1:2 @ RM 1.65
Ex-date 是在23/12/13,由于23日是星期一,股东必须在前一个交易日 (20/12/13) 持有MBSB,才享有附加股的认购权。附加股以1对2的形式分发。如果股东有1000股MBSB,也就会得到500股的MBSB-OR,而股东必须以RM 1.65的认购价去购买新的母股。
那么,看起来很值得,现在母股RM 2.77(11/12/13的收市价),那么认购RM 1.65不是很好赚?
假设20/12/13的收市价是 RM 2.75,23日的调整价就是:
假设20/12/13的收市价是 RM 2.75,23日的调整价就是:
Ex-rights reference price
= (2.75×2)+ (1.65×1)
2 + 1
= RM 2.38
2 + 1
= RM 2.38
预计MBSB-OR 大约会交易在 2.38- 1.65= RM 0.73
MBSB-OR 会在 27/12- 3/1 之间在板上交易,6/1/14 MBSB-OR就不会在板上了。
Date for commencement of trading of the rights 27/12/2013 开始交易日Date for cessation of trading of the rights 06/01/2014 截止日
Date for despatch of abridged prospectus and subscription forms 30/12/2013
如果截止后还卖不出或不想卖,可以在这个日期前付款 (把 BANK DRAFT + form 送到负责这附加股的公司), 不然你就会亏损,因为你的母股被分稀了。如果你不想买而又不把or卖掉,你就白白亏掉这个免费OR了。一般上如果不想买,建议把or卖掉,当成是股息也好。
那个form呢,如果你有多买必须在form上注明,其实很容易的,你拿到后很简单就看明白了,填错一点没关系,最重要数目等别填错就没问题,最重要看的人明白就可以了。计算价格然后去银行买一张bank draft。你可以寄挂号,Post Laju,或亲自拿去Share Registrar。记得,必须在这个日期前付款哦!
Acceptance and payment at 13/01/2014 05:00:00 PM
20/1/2014 则会公布认购的数目,Oversubscribe多少等等。有没有买到或者有没有寄失就看这个日子了。
Date for announcement of final subscription result and basis of allotment of excess Rights Securities 20/01/2014
29/1/2014 MBSB的新股就会上市。这个日子就能看到你的票出现在你的PORTFOLIO了。
Listing date of the Rights Securities 29/01/2014
为什么说 subscribe 买OR /卖掉你手上享有的OR, 对你持有的股票市值都是一样呢?请看网友 mankit87 的解说。当然如果OR价钱被炒高就另当别论,有网友说卖OR也有可能转手赚个几百块钱的。
MBSB附加股: i. Ratio: Right issue of 1 new share for every 2 existing share. ii. Offer price: RM1.65 iii. Ex-date: 23/12/2013 iv. Price before ex-date: RM2.70 I have 2000 shares of MBSB at RM2.70 (total capital RM5400). MBSB declares (i)right issue of 1 new share for every 2 existing share at (ii)RM1.65. a. Buy the right issue: If I decide to exercise the right issue, then I need to pay MBSB RM1650 to buy this 1000 share at RM1.65. So I have 3000 shares in MBSB that cost me RM7050 in total. After the (iii)ex-date for the right issue, the share price of MBSB will start at RM2.35, down from RM2.70. As 3000 shares x RM2.35 =RM7050 (same total capital, no earn no lose, only different is more number of share) b. Sell the right issue: If I decide to sell the new shares, I can sell the 1000 new shares at RM0.70 per share (RM2.35-RM1.65=RM0.7)and get cash of RM700. After the ex-date, the share price at RM2.35, my existing 2000 shares will worth RM4700 which is lower than my initial investment capital of RM5400 but I have already got my cash RM700 from the sale of rights, in the end I don't gain or lose also. (RM4700+RM700=RM5400) The "discount" is actually not discount After right issue, number of total shares increase base on the (i)ratio, this will dilute the EPS. -For people who exercise the right issue, not affected since on-hand number of share also increase. -For people who don't exercise the right, shareholding will be diluted. |
1)听说bursa要把程序简化到用online banking / 在atm mechine那边直接按, 就好像IPO那样,不知道实行了吗?
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